

Our market is open to vendors of all sizes and types. Whether you own a local business or you’re just looking to sell a few items you have laying around the house. Make the Durham Green Flea Market your weekly place of business.



Outdoor Booth Details

$30 daily rental fee (includes 2 tables)

  • $5 per additional table (exclusions apply)

  • No reservations needed

  • Food Vendors Rates vary (Contact for details)

Register Online


$30 daily rental fee (includes 2 tables)

  • Indoor fees paid monthly based on working days

  • approximate booth size is 10’ x 10’

NOTE: we are currently at capacity for indoor space. However, if interested please contact our our team, and someone will be with you within 24 hours.


The market dates are Saturday and Sunday from 8a-4p. All registered vendors are encouraged to arrive between 7-8a for parking and set-up. Don’t miss a potential sale!

(Please do not arrive before 7a.)


All vendors are strongly encouraged to bring their own banks to facilitate all cash transactions, but electronic payments processing systems are welcome.

Booth Set-Up

Tables will be included in your booth rental fees. However, Indoor booth spaces are locked and secured daily and weekly for vendor safety and convenience.